Live Scan Fingerprinting, Background Checks, Professional Licenses and Employers
In today’s high tech world, background checks are becoming more and more common and sophisticated. Many employers and professional licensing boards and agencies now require candidates to submit to Live Scan fingerprinting. Live Scan allows the employer or licensing agency to access your entire criminal history with the Department of Justice. As such, it is wise for anyone with a criminal history, including misdemeanor and felony arrests as well as convictions, to consult with a record clearance attorney. The attorney may be able to expunge, delete, amend, set aside and/or dismiss your prior criminal history. Clearing your record with the Department of Justice, the police and/or the court, may be the difference in getting a job, or obtaining or keeping your professional license. If you have a criminal history, even one that involves only arrests or misdemeanors, contact the Law Office of Jonathan Turner for a free consult.