Juvenile Court: Should I Hire a Lawyer for My Son or Daughter?

Though the stated purpose of the juvenile criminal justice system is to reform and rehabilitate the juvenile, the real consequences can be very serious. It is vital that if your son or daughter is arrested, cited, or just being investigated for a crime, that you hire a juvenile criminal defense attorney right away. Many juvenile matters, with the aid of experienced legal counsel, can be resolved in an informal manner so that the juvenile is not placed on formal probation, deemed a ward of the court, taken from the home and/or put in juvenile hall. Depending on the crime, I can often work something out with the district attorney, juvenile probation, and/or the juvenile court judge where in lieu of criminal charges and lengthy and stressful court appearances, the juvenile case can be resolved informally for community service for example. In summary, even a juvenile court case can greatly damage your child’s future in terms of schooling, college and employment, among other things. Therefore, if your minor son or daughter is in trouble with the law, contact Attorney Jonathan Turner. Jonathan Turner has experience in handling juvenile court cases in Sacramento, Placer and El Dorado Counties and all over Norther California.