Jail, Jail Alternatives, Work Program, Work Release and Work Furlough/Ankle Monitoring
Most misdemeanor as well as felony crimes require jail time. However, there are a number of jail alternatives. These jail alternatives allow the convicted party to avoid actually serving their sentenced time in a jail cell. Most counties including Sacramento, Yolo, Placer, El Dorado, Amador, San Joaquin and Solano offer variations of the following jail alternative programs. These include sheriffs work program or work project program (SWAP). This entails working off your days under the supervision of the sheriff which will direct you to perform duties such as garbage pickup, raking leaves and washing squad cars. Another jail alternative that is part of the work release program is work furlough or electronic monitoring. This entails the convicted putting an ankle bracelet on which tracks there whereabouts. Generally, under this program, the individual may go to work but is expected to come straight home after work and stay there until they go back to work. Work furlough usually requires the person to be employed. However, the courts may allow someone to be on house arrest via an electronic monitor if they have a medical issue that prevents them from serving jail time or doing work program. Another jail alternative can be classic community service (called Alternative Sentencing or ASP in Sacramento) which involves volunteering for a charity or non-profit organization for a number of hours determined by the court. This type of community service is generally reserved for low level offenders and individuals physically unable to participate in the sheriffs work program either because of a medical issue or because they live in another city or state.
Ultimately, it is up to the judge and the court whether your sentence is to be served in jail or in an alternative fashion. This means you need experienced and strong legal counsel on your side. If you are looking at jail time, contact criminal attorney Jonathan Turner. Criminal defense lawyer Jonathan Turner may be able to assist you in avoiding jail time and getting you qualified for one of the above-described jail alternative programs.