The penalties for driving under the influence vary and depend on the county and the facts surrounding the offense. For example, the standard penalties for DUI in Placer County are different from DUI punishments in Sacramento County. Also, the facts underlying the offense impact the possible penalties and punishments. For instance, a first time offense
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The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) can suspend or revoke a drivers license for a number of different reasons. A driving under the influence conviction and/or arrest for driving with a blood alcohol level of .08% or greater is one reason for a suspension. Also, if a driver accumulates too many points on their driving
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Sobriety checkpoints in Sacramento and other Northern California counties are becoming more and more common. Sobriety checkpoints, in order to be legal however, must abide by certain laws and regulations. California DUI law has created a number of factors to consider in determining whether a checkpoint (and hence the arrests that stem from the checkpoint)
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There are several types of criminal warrants. Arrest Warrants: When a person is charged with a crime by the district attorney’s office, an arrest warrant will often be issued. Generally, for more serious cases, like felonies, an officer will serve the warrant on the person at their home or workplace and take the person into
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Issues surrounding bail can be very confusing especially for someone not familiar with the criminal justice system. When an individaul is arrested bail is often set at an amount consistent with the county’s bail schedule. Most counties have a bail schedule that indicates the standard bail amount for arrests of most every crime. These bail
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There are two popular types of restraining orders: Domestic Violence restraining orders and Civil Harassment restraining orders. If the parties involved were at some point or another involved in a dating relationship (including ex-spouses), then a Domestic Violence restraining order is proper. Otherwise, a civil harassment order is appropriate such as between neighbors or other
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Normally, if you are arrested for Driving Under the Influence (DUI), the arresting officer will immediately confiscate your drivers license. Once you are released from custody, you should receive a pink document (“Order of Suspension”). This document contains a lot of mostly small print about the status of your drivers license. Within that small print
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California law allows certain criminal offenses related to property damage and theft to be resolved via a “civil compromise.” This means that if the accused reimburses the victim for damage they may have caused to the victim’s property, the court and/or the district attorney may dismiss criminal charges. Both misdemeanor and felony cases maybe dismissed
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In California it is becoming more common for courts to order driving under the influence (DUI) offenders to install Ignition Interlock Devices (IIDs) in their cars. In fact, in Sacramento County even first time DUI offenders must now install interlock devices in their cars. IIDs are handled through the California DMV which provides information on
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In today’s high tech world, background checks are becoming more and more common and sophisticated. Many employers and professional licensing boards and agencies now require candidates to submit to Live Scan fingerprinting. Live Scan allows the employer or licensing agency to access your entire criminal history with the Department of Justice. As such, it is
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