Arrest Warrants, Bench Warrants, SOC Warrants, Clearing Warrants and Re-Calling Warrants
There are few things more unsettling than having a warrant out for your arrest. However, if you have a warrant out for your arrest, all is not lost and contacting a criminal law attorney like Jonathan Turner is highly advised.
There are several types of warrants. The first, is a simple arrest warrant which is normally issued after the district attorney has decided to charge you with a crime. If the charged crime(s) is a misdemeanor, you may receive a notice of the arrest warrant in the mail. That notice often informs the party that they must go down to the local sheriff or jail and turn themself in or get a court date. In more serious misdemeanor and most felony cases, law enforcement will come and arrest the person for whom the arrest warrant is issued. These arrests may occur at the person’s home or work place. An experienced felony attorney like Jonathan Turner may be able to avoid you the embarrassment of being arrested at home or work by arranging with law enforcement to have you turn yourself in at the local jail or sheriff’s office. Arrest warrants usually have a bail amount attached to them which is based on the county’s bail schedule. Sacramento, Davis, Roseville, Folsom Criminal Attorney Jonathan Turner can assist you in determining the bail for your particular county. As such, if you receive an arrest warrant or find out you have an arrest warrant out, contact criminal defense attorney Jonathan Turner. Mr. Turner can advise you of your options, try to negotiate a turn-in date with law enforcement, and advise you regarding your bail options so as to minimize the time you spend in jail following your arrest.
Another common type of warrant is a Bench Warrant. Bench warrants are issued by judges normally when an individual fails to show up for a court appearance. Bench warrants usually have a bail amount associated with them though some are “no bail warrants.” If you miss a court appearance, often referred to as an FTA (Failure to Appear), it is vital that you contact legal counsel like criminal attorney Jonathan Turner. Mr. Turner is often successful in getting bench warrants “re-called” without his clients ever spending a day in jail. In cases of misdemeanor case bench warrants, Mr. Turner can often clear the warrant or FTA without the client even having to show up in court.
Another type of warrant is a “SOC” Warrant issued by the sheriff. These are commonly issued if a person fails to show up for a jail sentence or fails to follow through with a jail alternative type sentence like work furlough, work project or work release. When the person fails to show up for such a designated obligation, the sheriff will issue a SOC warrant. These are perhaps the toughest warrants to clear. Nonetheless, if you failed to show up for a jail sentence or work project, you should contact Sacramento criminal attorney Jonathan Turner. Mr. Turner has even had success in the past of clearing SOC warrants without his clients spending a single day in jail.