DUI, Order of Suspension, Administrative Hearings and DMV Hearings

Normally, if you are arrested for Driving Under the Influence (DUI), the arresting officer will immediately confiscate your drivers license. Once you are released from custody, you should receive a pink document (“Order of Suspension”). This document contains a lot of mostly small print about the status of your drivers license. Within that small print is the option to contest the impending license suspension by requesting a hearing with DMV (administrative per se or APS hearing). However, the request for the administrative per se DMV hearing must be made within 10 days of the DUI arrest. Otherwise, the right to the hearing is lost. As such, if you are arrested for a DUI, it is important that you contact a DUI lawyer like Jonathan Turner to advise you of your rights including your right to a DMV hearing to fight the suspension of your license. DUI attorney Jonathan Turner can schedule the DMV hearing for you and provide you with the best defense possible at the hearing. Sacramento Criminal Attorney Jonathan Turner has been very successful in prevailing at DMV hearings thus often saving his clients’ licenses from suspension and/or revocation. Note, if you do not contest the suspension of your license following a DMV arrest, your license will likely become suspended within 30 days wherein you are prevented from any and all driving including driving to and from work and school. If you are arrested for DUI, contact the Law Office of Jonathan Turner.